COLLEGE COUNCIL – October 7, 2011

CC-127 in Bill Brod Community Center ● 12-1:30pm




Approval of Minutes


Welcome & Role of College Council

Presenter: Cochran

·         6.13.2011 minutes motion to approve & 2nd with corrections.


·         Introductions and a brief discussion of the role of College Council. A request was made to have the deans send out a message to all the people in their divisions clarifying their division contact for College Council. There is a master list of all the membership on the College Council website. There is some confusion on what the decision making ability of this body is, so we need a little more clarification.  


CASE grant introduction

Presenter: Giltz

·         Scott Giltz introduces the recently awarded Credentials, Acceleration, and support for Employment (CASE) grant. This grant provides $18.6 million to the Oregon consortium of 17 community colleges, Oregon Employment Department/Trade Act, Work Force Boards and others. Supporting Oregon’s 40-20-20 and president Obama’s jobs initiatives, this three year grant releases funds to Oregon’s community colleges next year and targets Trade Act affected workers for training, credentialing, and re-employment.  The consortium is taking a tiered approach to employment services utilizing career pathways, career coaches, and credit for prior learning.  CCC has taken the lead in this grant which is being held as a nationwide model of employment/education programs.  The grant will fund $2.7 million for local program development at Clackamas Community College.  Congratulations!


Accreditation Steering Committee:

Presenter: Waters

·         Bill Briare reported on changes to the accreditation process that is now a model of continuous improvement including self-analysis.  The new process will evaluate CCC against five standards: mission, resources and capacity, planning and implementation, effectiveness and improvement, & mission fulfillment.  A new seven year evaluation cycle will be implemented and in this first initiation phase CCC is to achieve completion in five years.  Reporting that the first section of the accreditation report has been submitted the second report evaluating standard two- Resources and Capacity is due fall of 2012. The steering committee will begin a fact finding initiative evaluating standard two as it relates to the core themes of: career technical education, academic transfer, essential skills, & life-long learning. The charge is to assemble the data “weaving” the concepts of governance, human resources, education resources, student support resources, library and info, financial and physical/tech, and infrastructure throughout.  The steering committee will utilize this information to develop a report- documenting CCC’s achievement of the 5 standards and ability to fulfill our stated missions.


·          Bill Waters introduces TURTLEs: Teams Undertaking Review of the Total Learning Experiences. Ten fact-finding teams (turtles) comprised of a key communicators lead teams to collect data and develop reports for the Accreditation Steering Committee.  Staff are encouraged to volunteer to work with a TURTLE representing their passion in order to examine the institutional capacity to meet accreditation standards. TURTLEs will also be charged with providing solutions/directions within their area of research. Supporting presentations by: Mackey, Gray, Hall, Parker and Sprehe and others.  Details of the committee processes can be found on the home page.



Presenter: Cochran

·         Association has changed its acronym to include the confidential employee group.

·         Planning an association pizza bake on Oct. 16th at the Horticulture department.

·         Currently organizing the classified appreciation event

ASG Update

Presenter: Travis

·         Held two bbq’s and an ice-cream social last week

·          Friday flag football games on the hwy 213 practice field

·         220 books moved through the book exchange

·         Announces the Cougar Cave is opening next Monday, currently evaluating the needs and criteria for contributions-more information to come at the next College Council meeting.

·         Breast cancer awareness events coming up

·         Fall grants awarded: textbook 31 of 98 applications, childcare 21 out of 52, & veterans 5 out of 8.

·         Blood drive scheduled for the October 24 & 25

·         Halloween costume contest slated for the last week of October-staff & faculty are welcome to participate.

Faculty association update

Presenter: Hall

·         Introduced the new full time faculty website accessible to faculty only- includes meeting documents, minutes, contract, links to policies, handbook, etc.  Notes that the site is independent of CCC, so bond support can be shown.

·         Voted to contribute $1,000 to the classified appreciation event


10/21, 11/4, 11/18, 12/2,1/20, 2/3, 2/17, 3/2 3/16, 4/6 4/20, 5/4, 5/18,  6/1


PRESENT: Bob Cochran (chair), Mickey Yeager (recorder), Scott Giltz, Carol DeSau, Bill Briare, Tiffanie Clifford, Janis Rosenlof, Mary Collins, Cathy Hanson, Pat Wiggins, Charyl Tallman, Sarah Hoover, Cynthia Risan, Wes Locke, Jeff McAlpine, Kate Gray, Bill Waters, Andy Vasquez, Kaylea Henderson, Mindy Brown, Travis MacDonald, Brian Baldwin, Tara Sprehe, Terry Mackey, Steve Beining, Adam Hall, Shelly Tracy, Sharon Parker, Matthew Altman

COLLEGE COUNCIL MEMBERS:  Bob Cochran (chair), Mickey Yeager, Steve Beining, Cheryl Tallman, Andy Vasquez, Shelly Tracy, Sarah Hoover, Melissa Jones, Dave Arter, Kim Carey, Mary Collins, Shelley Shaw, Keoni McHone, Jeff McAlpine, Adam Hall, Pat Wiggins, Miguel Cardenas, Paula Hamm, Sue Caldera, Tiffanie Clifford, Tamera Barry, Vicki Smith, all association presidents, all deans